Take your Python + Pandas to the next level
My four-month Python Analytics Bootcamp starts its third cohort on May 17th. Join me to learn more about it!
My four-month Python Analytics Bootcamp starts its third cohort on May 17th. Join me to learn more about it!
Inflation is coming down around the world, and central banks are lowering interest rates accordingly. The most important central bank, the US Federal Reserve, is expected to announce the first reduction in interest rates in four years. Today's Washington Post says that experts are divided on whether it&
This week, we looked at the price of gasoline in the United States – both because it has declined over the last year, and because it is often considered a major factor in presidential elections. The New York Times reported on the lower gas prices just yesterday (https://www.nytimes.com/
Americans pay close attention to gas prices, and complain bitterly about them – even when those prices are far below what people in less-wealthy countries are paying. Kai Ryssdal, the Marketplace (https://marketplace.org/) anchor, has sometimes said that people are sensitive to the price of gas not just because they
This week, we looked at broadband Internet availability in countries around the world. The topic was inspired by a three-part series, "Breaking Ground," that Marketplace broadcast last week (https://www.marketplace.org/collection/breaking-ground/) about the obstacles that the United States now faces in expanding broadband access. I