BW #13: Python developers

In honor of PyCon US 2023, we'll look at some data from the most recent Python developers survey. What other programming languages do they use? What education did they get?

I spent most of last week in Salt Lake City, at PyCon US 2023. I had an amazing time — I saw old friends, met many new friends, learned a ton about Python (and where it's going), and spoke with many new potential clients. I barely slept, but it didn't matter, because I was having such a great time.

If you haven't ever attended a Python conference, you should! There are oodles of regional and national ones, and I always away with great feelings. This year, I'm expecting to attend four more conferences -- PyCon Israel in early July, Euro Python in mid-July, PyCon Taiwan in early September, and PyCon MEA (Dubai) in mid-October. I hope that I can meet you at one or more of those!

Data and questions

This week, in honor of PyCon US, I decided that we would look at the latest developer survey fromJetBrains, the company that produces (among other things) the PyCharm IDE. Not only can we learn something about Python developers, but there are a few amazing Pandas features that will come in handy here.

I'm still traveling — meeting family and clients before I head back to Israel next week — so if things are slightly askew this week, I apologize.

Here’s what I would like you to do:

  1. Download the survey results from Google Drive. So far as I can tell, you'll need to download it onto your computer, first by going to this URL:

From that page, download the `sharing_data.csv` file onto your computer. I wasn’t able to find an easy way to give you a one-click URL to download it.

  • Load the file into a data frame. We'll only look at a handful of the file's (many!) columns:
    1. All columns starting with `job_role`
    2. All columns starting with `edu_level`
    3. All columns starting with `primary_proglang`
  • How many people took the survey?